Probate Attorneys

Probate attorneys can check tasks off their list when Willow Wood Solutions help their probate clients.


you need me on your team for probate cases in Houston, Texas.

Set yourself apart from the rest and utilize me as a liason with your clients. They will feel seen and heard, and you’ll get the credit!

Probate concierge services

I am here to help you and your clients.

I take on jobs that your clients do not have the time, ability, or inclination to do. You know, the ones they call and expect you to do.

They don't know who else to ask, and they don’t understand how you spend your time.

It makes good sense to add me to your team.

You bring significant value to your clients inside and outside of the courtroom. Your role doesn't include getting bogged down in details, but how else can your clients get the help they need?

Willow Wood Solutions offers a way to help your clients and make you look like a hero. When you delegate tasks to me, your time is freed up without burdening your client.

We take care of practical, problematic non-legal issues so cases close faster and with less stress.

Contact us today.

Find out how we can help you and your clients.


What to know more?

I know your time is valuable. You can find more here, visit the blog, or check out The Probate Podcast. Of course, a phone or online conversation is good too! Please use the Contact page to let me know how I can help you. —Sherri